martes, 27 de diciembre de 2016

Social Issues

The eating disorders are a big problem in the actual Chilean society.
Firstly, anorexia, bulimia and overweight have terrible consequences on people's health, diseases like fatigue, ulcers or high blood pressure are the principals, but there are many more diseases and this is apart of psychological problems and self-esteem that may have. Secondly, Chile is the 9th country in the world with most overweight. The explication to this situation is because the Chilean society had a change in the
feeding patterns in the 90´s decade (Del Aguila, 2013). Thirdly, Chile is 1st in the South American ranking of childhood obesity. In Chile, mainly in the countryside, the people think that a fat child (“well fed child” in Chile) is a healthy child.

In conclusion, the statistic it is clear, Chile have eating disorders and this disorders produce problems in the peoples´s health. Taking all this into account we can say that in Chile the eating disorders are a big problem to the society.

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016

A very special person

One of the people that I admire the most is my grandfather Ernesto.
Firstly, my grandfather does not care what they say. He met my grandmother in 1960, she had a little boy, but no matter what people said, he got married with her. Also, she is 5 years older. I think the Chilean context and I am proud for my Tata (I say Tata to my grandfather).
Secondly, my grandparents were a poor family, but my grandfather always worked to his family would eat. Once when my aunt was 10 years old wanted entry to an English program (She always has been good to English, now she is English teacher), and my Tata worked extra hours to pay that program to my aunt. With this story he is an example for me when I will be father.
Thirdly, He always has been a responsible person, now with 76 years he work. I like his grandson he teach me the responsibility. He never don’t go to his job. He wake up to 4:00 AM to come his job to 7:30 AM and do all before his bosses come.

In conclusion, I admire and I am so proud of my grandfather because he is a great father, husband and grandfather. I always said, he is the best person in this world.

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

The best holidays I have never had (2.0)

My favorite vacation was the 2015 summer holidays.  Firstly I had three months of vacation, the longest vacation of my life. In addition, I played a football tournament with my neighborhood friends. The tournament had 10 teams. I didn´t know how, but we won the 5th position. But the best moment in that vacation was the camping scout on Rengo. The last camping scout (2014) was in a bad place, but that year (2015) we stayed in one of the best places ever. I had very funny activities, I ate a lot of food and I met people very important for me.
Also, that was the last camp of my childhood friend Victor, my bosses Nella and Anibal and my other childhood friend Franco. If I think the finish of that camp was really sad, but I want highlight one thing, in Rengo I met a so special person who I was in love in all of 2015…and now yet.

The summer holidays of 2015 were my favorite vacation because I lived a lot of experiences. 2015 was the year when I started the university and that vacation was the introduction to a great year. That was an excellent start of the year.

viernes, 12 de agosto de 2016

Education in Chile: My views on the students´strike

In 2006, the student movement started in Chile. That movement was called “revolución pingüina”. In this year I was in 4th of elementary school and I did not participate in this movement this year, because I was a little boy and my school was elementary school.
In the coming years always was a strike…
In 2009, I went to secondary school and in all of the year in school always was a strike. For this situation, my opinion about the students ‘strike has changed over time. In the start there was enthusiasm, but in the end was disappointment.
Between 2009 and 2011, the strikes had clear ideas and organization, but in the end the 2011’s strike, it is a joke. In the preparatory school, the strikes happened because the students wanted lose class. Even in 2014, the strike was because the students wanted to see relaxed Chilean team in the World Cup.
In 2015, I entered to the university and in May started a strike that finished in July. I was agree about this strike, because it had specific requirements, however it could have ended before.
Ultimately. The 2016´s strike was a joke, because students did not know the reason for the strike, misinformation and ratings were approved with less than 300 people.
I have lived 8 strikes and only 4 of them were movement that functioned and regrettably, only 2 achieved target.

Finally in my personal opinion, only when the potential participants are informed, the requirements are specific and that they are as far as possible and with the necessary enthusiasm a student mobilization can work. It is useless express only the discomfort, without giving a constructive criticism (as long as you can). We must not only be part of the problem but also be part of the solution.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016

Sexism in Chile

In Chile, the equality´s fight between the women and the men took more strength in the 21th century when in 2006 the president of the republic was Michelle Bachelet. In this year, the news started to show more sex discriminations acts and in the public opinion started to talk more about this topic. In the present, Chile progressed in the women´s right, but still lack to much work to do. In the actuality, the Chilean society is a male chauvinist society.

In my opinion, the Chilean society is still a male chauvinist society, because the male opinion is considered most import than a female opinion. In jobs, in investigations or in the families almost always a company or a university prefer chose the male opinion because the Chilean culture the male opinion has significance than the female opinion. For this condition, to the women are most difficult professionally emerge.
Also, I believe that the treatment of women, that changed a little, still it disrespects. This because to the women don’t respect like a person. In this point I want emphasis in the vision of the woman like a sex object. The most serious act is a violation, but also it is when a person touch a woman in the underground or in the public transport. Even, when a man shout a compliment in the street (a vulgar compliment), this more that like to a woman, the man outrage the woman, outrage the respect that all people deserve. To the man it is a joke, but to the woman it is an insult.

Finally, examples like the mentioned tested that still the Chilean society must work in discrimination to the woman and in the future it doesn´t be a male chauvinist society. The first step is learn to the next generations.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

My last vacation

In my last vacation, I went to two camps and the two  were scout camping. The first camp was the National Jamboree in Picarquin, the Jamboree started the January 21th and finished the January 30th and there had been 12.000 people and my job was walking with 200 children in a mountain every days, that was very funny.
An important thing what happened was, the fourth day in Picarquin started to rain, in January! The tent where I slept was very strong and my thing didn´t wet.
How it is a National Jamboree, I met people from Puerto Montt, Los Angeles, Iquique and Copiapo. I even met a person from Brazil.

In the second camp I went with my scout group, that camp started the January 30th and finished the February 7th. In this camp was relaxed in compared with Jamboree, with my friends talked so much and in the afternoon we swum in the river.
That camp was so special because was the last summer camp where I am beneficiary, and also, in that camp I celebrated my birthday, it was the first time   that happened. Absolutely the February 5th was the best day in my summer vacation.

martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

Hello everyone

I will tell you a Little about me. My name is Sebastian, I am from Chile and i have been lived in Santiago all my life. I was born on February 5th and now I am 19 years old. I am a geography student since 2015.
In my family  are four people. My father, my mother and my sister. My father is a builder, my mom is a secretary and my sister is a journalism student.
My favourite sport is football and my favourite team is Colo-Colo, because  when i was a child I saw with my grandfather the matches. Also, I like play football, my position is goalkeeper and I play in Rayo Vayacaño de Geografia and Rayo Vayacaño Federal.
I like the chilean music and my favourite band is Los Prisioneros, but in the present I listen so much the band Ases Falsos.
I like travelling, and because I am scout, I have been many places.